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Are you considering a career in the circus arts? If so, you've come to the right place!

My role is to bridge the gap between your current reality and your aspirations.

You might be pondering...

- How does one actually land aerial or circus gigs?
- What should I charge for my services?
- Should I attend circus school or pursue self-study?
- Where can I learn about safe rigging practices?
- What type of costume and music should I incorporate into my performances?
- What elements should my promo reel feature, and how can I ensure it appears polished and professional?
- How will I know when I've reached the level of professionalism?
- Is teaching circus arts a viable option for me, and if so, how can I get started?

Together, we'll plunge headfirst (pun intended) into the nitty-gritty!

- Discover your true aspirations within the circus realm
- Develop a concrete action plan that you can begin implementing immediately
- Confront and overcome self-doubt, confusion, imposter syndrome, and other internal barriers hindering your progress
- Gain clarity on your artistic journey and define your personal markers of success
- Identify and uphold your core values
- Offer a supportive environment to bounce around ideas
- Provide guidance and encouragement during pivotal decision-making moments and potential opportunities
- Identify and dismantle limiting beliefs
- Craft a clear and achievable vision for your artistic future
- Ignite your motivation and drive to propel you forward!

And fear not, we won't delve into therapy, counseling, past life regressions, or trauma work—leave that to the experts!

Why learn the hard way? You only have one chance to make a lasting impression.

Consult with a seasoned professional and ensure you're setting off on the right foot from the get-go!

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